august 11, 1944 - august 11, 1945

from left, aunt fay from minden, louisiana - mamastrap - and aunt mae, who, as usual, was dressed in one of her many many brightly colored floral print dresses - were her hands visible, her weekly manicured nails in fire engine red would be seen - as was the custom in that time, all the women dressed daily in beautiful dresses and silk hose - their hair and nails were done every week at the local "beauty shop" where the latest gossip was exchanged and tea and cookies served -
in april of 1945, my sister and i are posed in front of mamastrap's house and as is quite visible, again, i am not at all happy with the frilly frills of my frock -
- visible in the window behind us are the crocheted curtains hanging - these beautiful handmade crocheted pieces were everywhere at mamastrap's - in the form of chair back/arm protective pieces and curtains and even coverlets on the beds - her flower boxes were always in bloom and her yard full of gorgeous hydrangeas in pinks and blues - but my favorite of all her plants was - and still is - the lantana - i was fascinated by it's little flowers within a flower head - she had them in every color -